Admission - option "The Performance Practice of Medieval Music"

Restrictions related to the Covid-19 epidemic may change the normal procedures for hearings on June. Applicants will be informed according to the evolution of the situation.

Previous diplomas required

Requirements for enrollment:
- successful completion of a bachelor degree programme in music and/or musicology (in the case of French schools bac+3: licence from a French university or foreign university diploma), or
- acceptance by the entrance examination committee, based upon other diplomas or the equivalent of the French diplomas (diplômes musicaux français et étrangers de niveau licence, diplôme d’état (D.E.), certificat d’aptitude à l’enseignement (C.A.), or previous musical training, ongoing musical work (including professional activities) and an entrance examination/audition.

Information and registration: 

This programme is open to musicians of all nationalities, without an age limit, either as first-time students or in continuing education, on condition of passing the entrance audition. The language of instruction is French. First written contacts may be in English.

The application process:

1.) Pre-selection based on the application file (deadline for filing: 31st of May 2021)
                  - curriculum vitae
                  - copies of university and/or musical diplomas
                  - a letter of motivation in French or English
                  - a recording (CD or link) of a solo performance
                  - a short presentation of a research project related to the performance of medieval music
This application file should be sent to Isabelle Ragnard before 31st of May 2021.
2.) Admission test/ audition
From 7-10 June 2021, place and schedule to be confirmed.
The audition will consist of a performance by the candidate as well as a discussion of the candidate's background and his/her proposal for a research project. The candidate will also be asked to sight-read one or two short pieces in square notation. There will also be a short ear-training evaluation.
After the selection process is complete, the candidates admitted will be assisted with the various administrative procedures for enrollment:
- French candidates not in possession of a licence diploma must submit a file containing credits acquired.
- Foreign candidates from the European Union and from outside the EU must complete the procedures for validation of their previous diplomas, as required for admission to the university. This obligatory pre-registration is a step which allows you to proceed to the audition The dates may vary for the candidates from the European Union and from outside the EU, living in or outside France.
More information:
- In addition to this it is essential to present a certificate which attests to proficiency in French. In the absence of such a certificate, the candidate may inscribe in a French-language admission test organized by the university.

Nous contacter

- option "Musique Classique-Romantique" 
Jeanne ROUDET, Maîtresse de conférences

- option "Musique baroque" 
Théodora PSYCHOYOU, Maîtresse de conférences

- option "Musique médiévale" 
Isabelle RAGNARD, Maîtresse de conférences


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